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Inspection standards
Our inspection department is fully air-conditioned and has two coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) and two Optical CMM's with touch probe trees. Mitutoyo Gearpak software is used on Mitutoyo CMM
Conformity is achieved on the workshop floor through the use of micrometers, go - no go plug / screw plug and gear gauges, Shop floor located Optical CMM and specialist instruments to support setting and monitoring of machining processes.

Principle equipment for inspection
We are committed to continuous investment and improvement in our equipment and processes.
Principle equipment for inspection includes:
1x Mitutoyo CNC-CMM Crysta Apex S 574
1x Mitutoyo CMM BH 506
1x Micro-Vu Vertex 251 Optical Measuring Machine - With Touch Probe kit (CMM)
1x Micro-Vu Vertex 311 Optical Measuring Machine - With Touch Probe Kit (CMM)
1x Baty Shadowmaster R550 Shadowgraph Machine
1x Mitutoyo Surface Measuring Machine -SJ410
1x Mitutoyo Surface Measuring Machine -SJ201P
1x Mitutoyo GearPak
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